Sunday, December 1, 2013

Tucson Pima County Arts Open Studio Tour 2013

Open Studio Tour in Tucson this year. It was a beautiful day and I enjoyed staying home and meeting new friends, neighbors and fellow artists.

Open Studio is always a good way to get feed back on your work, get an idea what people like. It's also a good opportunity to network with other local artists.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Etsy Store Opening

 I've been busy these past few weeks getting an Etsy store open as a resource for marketing and selling my earrings. I'm trying to improve my photography skills because I can see that it makes a huge difference in how your product looks. It's been fun to experiment with different backgrounds and lighting.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Paint Out PAANA, August 2013

Paint Out at Picture Canyon, Flagstaff Arizona. Beautiful day, it was a scramble to get down to the waterfall. There are lots of petroglyphys along the canyon wall. A fair start to a painting, I haven't ever painted moving water like that, so it was challenging, as are rocks! Always the challenge!

Monday, August 5, 2013

North Rim Grand Canyon

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3 wonderful days of camping and painting at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon with my friend Jane Mulrooney. I don't have a finished painting to show for it (yet!), we did some sketching, had one morning of painting and I took some photos and we got a lot of inspiration!

Drawing workshop at The Peaks Senior Living, Flagstaff AZ

This is my first art teaching experience. The first class I had 10 students/residents of The Peaks. We had a lot of fun, a few of the folks had drawing/painting experience. It was wonderful to see them all enjoying the experience!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Lake Mary

Lower Lake Mary is one of my favorite places to paint in the summer in Flagstaff.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Plein Air Painters of Northern Arizona Exhibit and Sale at the Arboretum

Marshall Lake
The Plein Air Painters of Northern Arizona Exhibit and Sale at the Arboretum of Flagstaff Arizona

July 1st-August 1st 2013

Monday, June 3, 2013

Petrified Forest National Park Artist in Residency 2013

I just completed the most incredible 2 weeks as the artist in residence at Petrified Forest National Park. I was able to work on my art for many hours during the day, in addition to experiencing the beauty and silence of the park.
view from Kachina Pt

artist in transit

painting of the Teepees

Monday, April 22, 2013

Arizona Pastel Artists Association Spring Juried Show, Sedona Arts Center, May 2013

reception at Sedona Arts Center


Below are the two paintings that were hung at this show. It was a fabulous show with lots of talent! The weather was beautiful in Sedona for the reception.
Lake Mary Morning

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Plein Air Painting at Big Bend National Park

Vacationing in Texas, visiting family, camping at Big Bend National Park. I was able to get in a couple of painting sessions.

Arizona Plein Air Painters 5th Annual Juried Membership Exhibition

March 14-26th 2013, Sedona Arts Center
I had two paintings accepted into the show. CHAPEL DE GRAZIA, and MORNING REFLECTION.
Unfortunately I was on vacation in Texas during the show and  had to miss the reception.


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Plein Air painting in Nogales Mexico with Roberta Rogers

Today Roberta and I painted on the street in Nogales Mexico, we had a wonderful vantage point overlooking the church on a Sunday morning. It was very lively with lots of families, street venders, and music. We even had the tourist police come and welcome us.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Workshop with Kim Lordier

Kim Lordier
Workshop in Phoenix at Arizona Artists Guild with Kim Lordier, a very talented plein air pastel artist from California. I really enjoyed it and feel "newly" inspired, great practice in creating a notan thumbnail and painting in different value ranges.
The process

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sabino Canyon

Painting at Sabino Canyon, Tucson with Kathy Willis (artist from Flagstaff) and Susi Havens-Bezaire (traveling artist from Dublin, Ohio).

myself and Kathy

Susi Havens-Bezaire

Kathy Willis

Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy New Year!

It's been very cold here in Flagstaff this past month so there hasn't been much outdoor painting. I've been working on applications to shows and artists in residencies at National Parks, cutting paper for painting, studio painting, organizing and cleaning up the studio.

I am the featured member profile on the Arizona Pastel Painters Association website.

Tanner Wayne Oberhardt
And most importantly, I've been able to spend a lot of time with this guy........